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glass tile back splash, eeyore's, etc.

glass tile backsplash

I am very pleased with the glass tile backsplash I installed over the kitchen counter at our wimberley cabin.

artichoke light

I rewired a light fixture for 12 volt LED and mated it up to a 12 volt sealed gell cell scooter battery that fits nicely between the studs within a wall.  will wire up the switches and 12v fuse panel this week.

on set with spike

#1 son got his first paying job.  seen above receiving his direction from spike jonze.

saturday was eeyore's birthday.

leslie at eeyore's 2010

leslie was there as usual.  looks like he had some leslie merchandise to sell if an opportunity did arise.

bo peep at eeyore's birthday 2010

eeyore's tradition dictates that I find bo-peep.  unfortunately bo-peep is mute so I have no clues as to what her true identity may be.  she did sign that she was happy to see me too.

play on words, the guy above was E-whore.

the beer line for the girl wearing a chain mail bra was longer than the others

pagan princess at eeyore's 2010

I also found some pagan princess enjoying the beautiful day.  I had my make shift cow bell (part of a saw-horse and a piece of PVC) as I was on my way to the drum circle.

silver man at eeyore's 2010

silver man.

medieval at eeyore's 2010

#1 son sparred.

victory was sweet

sack race at eeyore's 2010

#1 son REALLY wanted to win the sack race.

he made three attempts.

he noticed that they issued prizes for first, second and last.  on his third attempt he tried real hard to be last.  but there was some girl with a real dedication to the loss.

best wurst is the best

kat was happy to find her best wurst sausage sandwich.

hand blown glass

hippies selling hand blown art glass in the woods.

crossing the creek after eeyore's, another tradition for us.

frisbee golf is very popular in austin.

skee-ball is usually enjoyed by a single player issuing the balls one at a time.  this concept was lost on #2 son.

future competetive eater

#1 son was proud of the fact that he shoved NINE pieces of pizza down his throat.

how to loose money

they had figured this device was the quickest way to convert the tokens into tickets. 

convert coins to coupons to crap

the economics of it don't really work out.  you take $20 worth of tokens, quickly convert them into a stack of tickets that you then convert into half a dollars worth of crap stuff.

chuck e cheese economics

arcade lesson

I gave a pod-racing lesson.

mother's day is approaching.  I am sending the girls to ballet austin's coppelia.  and since we seem to have a theme of jumping pics lately, I offer you one of a ballerina jumping/flying through the air

ballet austin

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