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winter cabin modification, mother falcon, burlesque and fall vintage van drive.

since austin has cancelled the Trail of Lights, we made the emily anne theater trail of lights our first holiday season event.


recycled water bottle xmas tree

the green tree is made from recycled water bottles.

winter cabin polycarbonate wall

we used some translucent material to close in the screen room.  this extends our cold weather cabin use.

the composting toilet with urine diverter works great.  we have started the "liquid gold" half of the plan. 

pork rinds!!

we went to the last wimberley market days for a while, closed till march.  kat was so excited to find her favorite snack vendor.


early van dent accupuncture

I spent the week working on un-denting the van and hatching a paint scheme...

1965 ford econoline e100

I found it is a 65, not a 66 as it was listed as.  I had purchased the van from heirs of the previous owner.  so I don't have the luxury of knowing his plans or experiences with it.  I know that there was a spare fuel tank that came with it, I'm guessing that tank was his way of sending me a message... 

it ran pretty good so we figured we'd take it to our pro wrench in dripping springs after a run to wimberley, about 80 miles in total.  I figured that would be a good "shake down" trip.

hill country fall drive

beautiful day for a drive through the texas hill country.

vintage van road trip!

the van drove pretty good!  for about 50 miles....  then I came to a stop.  luckily it stopped right by the wimberley market days.  we pushed it into a parking spot and got some BBQ and rode bikes.  I was pretty sure what the problem was; no fuel delivery due to a clogged fuel filter!  the old man's message was coming in loud and clear now.  I let it sit for a couple hours, then restarted it and drove it to our ranch.  the next morning it ran good so I drove it the remaining 20 miles to the pro wrench, no AAA tow truck required! 

1965 ford econoline

slightly shorter tires in the front give it a slight rake.  I like.


we missed the member's party for the current exhibit at the blanton.  but I bet the B-Scene party was more fun.

el john selector (of thievery corporation) provided DJ service, but mother falcon was the highlight of the evening.

tamir of mother falcon

Mother Falcon played and we REALLY enjoyed their show.  something about a bunch of real string instruments playing whimsical and emotional chamber pop like it really matters....

if you enjoy artists such as the magnetic fields and sigur ros, you should most definitely seek the mother falcon. 

mother falcon

cardinal cyn and friends provided vintage burlesque entertainment as well.

cardinal cin burlesque

this dude with the big nose approved.

take it off!

vintage burlesque

the end

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