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Cotillion 2016 is done

#2 son enjoyed his first Cotillion season.

blue hair cotillion austin 

blue hair boy ballroom dancing austin cotillion 

Her dress matched his hair.  

austin cotillion 2016 

They really did learn how to dance. It was a joy watching them display all they'd learned.  

austin cotillion mother and son 2016 

austin cotillion acc 2016 

austin cotillion chaperones 2016 

Thanking the chaperones for the evening.  

#1 son's Final Cotillion:

austin cotillion 2016 Jr Assembly 

#1 son moved to his partner to the far end of the dance floor. His mother couldn't get any pictures. She was NOT amused. I took one for the team, moved over and used my camera, knowing it would get me in trouble with him. "I DON'T LIKE PICTURES", he informed me (again). I explained my situation with his mother, suggested he drop the issue... he realized we were in the same boat, and didn't mention it again. I was glad to see he was clearly enjoying his evening, despite a fair amount of complaint leading up to his final cotillion.  

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