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the grand enough canyon, palo duro tx state park lighthouse trail

kat has always wanted to visit the GRAND CANYON.  we've talked about it several times, but it never works out.  then I read that palo duro was the second largest canyon in the US and right here in texas.  so we camped at caprock canyon (6 hours from austin) and made the 90 minute day trip over to palo duro. 

canyon view palo duro texas state park

BIG you really have to see it in the big version, we were impressed... go ahead and click the pic, that canyon is quite impressive.  pics can't really do it justice, must be seen in person to truly appreciate it.  but we'll try.

palo duro canyon visitor's center view

the drive down into palo duro canyon

a series of switchbacks get you down the side of the canyon.

a family of eager hikers about to take off for the lighthouse trail

eager to make an attempt to reach the lighthouse formation.

palo duro lighthouse trail hike

lighthouse trail palo duro canyon tx state park

but #2 son slowed us down.  I sent my mom ahead with the two older kids.

statue on the lighthouse trail palo duro canyon

he has refused to have his pic taken.  the workaround is to ask him to be a statue.

lighthouse trail palo duro

lighthouse trail palo duro canyon tx state park

we were so slow, we eventually took turns carrying him.

shade shelter on lighthouse trail palo duro canyon state park tx

a short shade and water break.

lighthouse formation palo duro texas state park

after about two miles of hiking, we could see the lighthouse formation!  and soon after, my mom and two older kids were on their way back.  we sent #2 son along with them as I knew he could not make the final climb up. 

climbing up the lighthouse formation palo duro canyon tx

there it was, steep and slippery.  some of it had to be done on all fours as there was nothing to grab onto and the ground was sandy.  but we pressed up and onward. 

the base of the lighthouse formation palo duro canyon

a bit hot and sweaty and dirty... 

palo duro canyon tx grand canyon texas

and after I took a few deep breaths (don't like heights) I made the big step up to the flat area between the two lighthouse rocks.  steep drops on both sides afford fantastic views of the canyons below. 

lighthouse panorama palo duro canyon tx


from the lighthouse formation palo duro canyon tx state park


airstream camping happy hour caprock palo duro canyons

 happy hour four cheese craker quatro fromage

then back to the airstream at caprock canyons for alpine style cheese happy hour.  #1 son made four squares of different cheeses to top his slice of caibatta. 

airstream overlander happy hour with the family caprock canyons

I know it's not in focus, but it's rare to get a pic of the daughter looking like she likes me.  I think she's figured out I'm a jack-ass and normally wants little to do with me.  keeps her distance and almost never smiles at me.  it was a special moment, my favorite of the whole trip. 

sunrise on the airstream caprock canyon tx state park canyons

easter egg hunt caprock airstream

and we had our easter morning egg hunt there at caprock canyon state park. 

easter egg hunt caprock canyon

airstream easter egg hunt

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