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Eeyore had another birthday (may be NSFW)

eeyore was a bit gloomy.  me, not so much.


#1 son did a great job in the sack.  was in the top third and that was some serious competition.

they also had a costume contest:

these girls figured Pink Floyd album art on their backs would be a great addition to the costume contest.  the guy in the "F MILK, GOT POT?" shirt seems pretty intersted as well.

little bo peep

I will be a sheep, for little bo peep.

her bunnies had pink noses.  I've run into topless girls in random places in austin, canoeing on lake austin, riding bikes... just not a big deal here.  there were lots of women using paint in lieu of actual cloth.  free to be free.

some of eeyore's birthday cake

best wurst at eeyores

kat was happy to find the best wurst cart.  and they had her grilled onions too!

#1 son had a spirited sword fight with some friends of mine.  I stood back and observed.  a stranger struck up a conversation about all the activity.  he said "that kid looks asian to me".  I agreed and said "I think he's half asian".  the stranger quickly inquired "which half?!".  "my wife's half" was my answer.  he had assumed the sword fighting kids belonged to their opponents, he got so confused and then embarassed.

I took the kids down to the drum circle.  we came prepared with stuff to drum on this year.

it has become a tradition that the kids and I go play in the creek as we leave.

black thai affair

we attended a school fund raiser, a black thai affair.  the open bars and abundant sushi buffet was surely a nice luxury after spending the day in the dust with the hippies.

we went to a birthday party at Peter Pan mini golf sunday morning.

the cashier at peter pann.




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