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so as it was written, so it shall be done

yesterday I wrote that I planned to polish the burke chair base.  today I did it.

a boy will be born unto you.  he will eat in massive quantities and produce great volumes (in audible tones and diaper deposits).   

joyous shall he be.  until he completes the task of eight hours continuous sleep, crankiness will be bestowed upon your chambers.

the prophecy has been fulfilled. 



thanks, I used a 7 inch sander/buffer from harbor freight and a wool pad. used 3m heavy cut, then two grades of airplane aluminum polish. just like polishing an airstream.

That's a hot looking base! How'd you get it so purty? Steel wool? I have a Herman Miller universal base i wanna make pristine myself! Thanks for letting us wander through the house last weekend by the way.

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