the 2008 sxsw just ended. this is a great time to be in austin if you love live music. you can't buy a twinkie without tripping over some band who is looking for an audience. bookstores, furniture stores and parking lots are all transformed into stages.
my friends CMoore and Troy drove in from Louisiana for sxsw and to celebrate my birthday.
first stop was a venue that had bands from lafayette along with free beer and crawfish. cmoore found a bonus snail in the boil.
slaborde and michael
insert your caption of choice for the pic above
salabaorde in fancy boots
our friend brady blade was in town and played several gigs over the course of a few different artists. often two in one day. he's a drummer but for brigitte demeyer he played guitar
found a cool youtube of brady drumming here
anyhow, we gave them a ride to his next gig with buddy miller
we might have had a few traffic violations as brady had just fifteen minutes to get from one venue to the next. brady was sure he was supposed to be at the cedar courtyard and we found it in record time. but security told us we were at the wrong place.
we RAN back out on the street and were lucky enough to find Troy circling the block looking for parking. we then raced to the cedar door. we stormed the back security gate "I'm with the band" I exclaimed in such a rush they had no chance to stop me (I had no sxsw wristband that is often required for the bigger events). all this only to find we were once again at the wrong venue. again, raced out to the street where brady tried to get a cab as he was trying to get somebody on the phone. his next gig was to start any moment. we again found troy circling, jumped back into the van and raced back to cedar courtyard. turns out we had been at the right place the first time.
brady ran up on stage and within minutes buddy was going at it and they put on an amazing show.
the next day we went to the farmer's market where they had bands all day. the band in the background had come from palermo italy.
we found half japanese (jad fair) playing in an alley behind a gift store but we had to get kat home for more bedrest.
the boys were happy to get to guero's
my kids are tired of smiling for the camera
cmoore wrote troy's name on the wall
saturday eve saw us enjoying wine and cheese with friends. the gnome shone brightly for us all.