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dare ga-nome,

if you can read the title to this entry, congratulations!  you have just spoke German for gnome! 

at least once a week we have a sunset watching session with some friends that live here in west lake hills.   you've probably seen some pics if you tune in often. 

I'd often wondered about a white monolith I saw over on the opposite hill.  they hiked over one day to find a stack of rocks.  I hatched a plan to leave my own mark on that hillside.  then last weekend I stumbled on a $5 gnome at the harbor freight sidewalk sale.  I also found a cheap solar powered spot light.

we set off for the other side

we found a small creek with several falls.  she likes to kiss my son.

michael carried Hans down and I lugged him up.  this was at the bottom of the ravine.

the view back to where we came from

found the rock monolith and quenched thirsts

notice how michael's lips are pursed as his mind has now melded with Hans der gnome.  my son watches intently as if Hans is actually about to take a sip.  also, I gave him big freaky oversized eyes in the hopes that I can see them using binoculars.

Jenny the German exchange student was struck with ironic malaise after issuing us the daily cultural lesson on how to properly pronounce der gnome

we all felt a bit sad as we left Hans der gnome all alone on the hillside.  after all we'd been through together.  at least he'll have deer and coyotes to keep him company.

and when we got back we were pleased to find he was highly visible from our observation deck.

now all we had to do was wait for the sun to set.

and from the kitchen we could still see him.  WE SEE YOU HANS!  

YES!  the spot light came on

thank you magic orange gnome, thank you Hans and your wonderful illumination.  now we don't have to face the darkness after the setting sun. 



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