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mr. orange fingers, a few holes and two plates

mr. orange fingers has been on site quite a bit lately.
septic install has started.
we have very little dirt, mostly rock.   so our system is an aerobic system.  the final product is sprayed above the surface.  installer said this system is the "rolls royce".  it also costs twice as much.  but we realize we are going to get double use of our water now.  also with this surface application system we don't want it to fail from using cheap components.  we expect it to give us years of service.
system was engineered by kevin dunne of the dunne company.
behold the rock hole.
more rock to sort through. 
another hole.  this was created by the electric company for our new pole. it's a pole hole.
the foundation crew returned to install two plates that were somehow left out on pour day. 

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